Corporate Governance


The Company and its Board of Directors are committed to conducting the Company’s business ethically, responsibly and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Our Corporate Governance Guidelines outline how the Board of Directors executes its responsibilities in support of our Company’s business objectives.

The Board of Directors conducts some of its business on behalf of the Company through committees. The Audit Committee reviews the Company’s auditing, financial reporting and internal control functions, and operates pursuant to the Audit Committee Charter. The Corporate Governance and Compensation Committee reviews the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, recommends nominees for election to the Board of Directors, makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding executive compensation, administers employee benefit plans, and operates pursuant to the Corporate Governance and Compensation Committee Charter.

Supporting Documents

Code of Conduct

How we do business matters. We create value for and trust with our stakeholders by doing the right thing each day. These expectations are memorialized in our Code of Conduct. Each member of the BellRing community has an obligation and responsibility to follow our Code of Conduct.

Seeking Guidance and Speaking Up

We encourage open and honest communication. If you become aware of a violation of our Code, we encourage you to report it. The Speak Up line can be accessed online or by phone by calling the number below that corresponds with your location.

The SpeakUp line can be accessed online or by phone in the U.S. and Canada at 877.452.3658 or by using the PHONE NUMBER based on country from which you are calling.

Country Toll-Free Number
Austria 0800-01-7932
Canada 844-486-1635
Germany 0800-182-0921
Switzerland 0800-12-1102
United States 844-486-1635